Helsinki Room 12.30-13.45
1/ President (Christophe Mathoulin, Ricardo Luchetti)
The general secretary wishes welcome to the participants and he praises the remarkable work of the president Riccardo Luchetti.
Riccardo reports us his incredible action during this year and half of presidency. A Council of the presidents was created with as Representative Riccardo Luchetti.
The duration of the presidency was lengthened in 2 years by a vote unanimously. Paco Pinal was inaugurated president until the congress of Bucharest in 2010. Tommy Lindau was elected future president 2010-2012
2/ Report of the Treasurer (Jerome Garret)
The treasurer reported us that our finances are healthy. Nevertheless, the dynamism of our society, and the increase of the running costs of our Web site, make that we absolutely need you contributions. I remind you that the amount of this contribution was fixed to 50 € for 2 years. We are the least expensive society of the planet. We have the possibility to pay directly by the Web site,
I ask you to pay your contribution for coming 2 years. The next appeal of contribution will be done in 2010.
3/ Modification of EWAS Committee (Christophe Mathoulin)
A new Committee was unanimously elected. In fact there is now an narrow executive board for the daily decisions of the life society and an widened Committee for the essential decisions which change our society. This Committee was modified so as to be the most representative of the incredible development of the ewas:
Executive Board :
President : Fernando Del Pinal (Spain)
Vice-President : Tommy Lindau (UK)
Representative of Council of President : Riccardo Luchetti (Italy)
General Secretary : Christophe Mathoulin (France)
Treasurer : Jerome Garret (France)
Representative of Website : Jane Messina (Italy)
Widened Committee :
The widened Committee will be constituted by :
Our foreign secretary: Loris Pegoli (Italy)
The people in charge of courses:
Andrea Atzei (Italy) for the course of Barcelona
Henk Coert (Netherlands) for the course of Rotterdam
Max.Haerle (Germany) for the German course
Pc Ho(Hong Kong SAR, China) for the Asian courses
Philippe Liverneaux (France) for the course of Strasbourg
Alejandro Badia (USA) for Miami course
The scientific committee (2 people in charge:
Michel Levadoux (France) for the Western Europe
Tufan Kaleli (Turkey) for the Eastern Europe.
The man in charge of Terry Whipple Award:
Didier Fontes (France)
4/ Wrist arthroscopy courses (Christophe Mathoulin)
Ewas is responsible or is involved in numerous wrist arthroscopy course worldwide. The ircad opened a new center in Taiwan and the first course will take place in November. A future center belongs in project to Buenos-Aires for South America in 2009.
List of courses:
Strasbourg Ircad
Taiwan Ircad
German course Ircad
Da Vinci Center Miami
5/ Fessh Congress-Ewas congress (Christophe Mathoulin)
Ewas preserves its very close relationship with the fessh, and our annual congress will take place next year during the congress of Poznan.
Our congress of this year was once more a success.
A possibility of organizing an instructional course was proposed to us. We are going to study the feasibility of such a project
6/ Other congress (Loris Pegoli)
Lories Pegoli reported us the various congresses of the various societies which wish that Ewas participate in a active way.
We’ll hold you informed as one goes along, but our presence becomes inescapable.
7/ Ewas "technical book" (Paco Piñal, Didier Fontes)
Our president Paco Pinal decides to create a series of technical book on a particular subject. These books must be edited in a regular way. The first volume will be dedicated in fracture of the radius.
On the other way, our former president Didier Fontes is going to propose us the creation of an e-book of technique written like a book of recipe.
8/ "Terry Whipple" Award (Didier Fontes)
Terry Whipple made us the immense honour to attend our congress and our general assembly. He handed the Terry Whipple Award to Andrea Atzei for his works on the TFCC. The Council of the presidents have to choose the future nominated.
Didier Fontes handed a special award to Terry. This one made us a very moving speech. Once again Terry and his visions of futures were appreciated by all. You can soon find on the site its speech
9/ Website development (Jane messina, Jean-François Pannas)
Jane Messina and Jean-François Pannas explained us the functioning of the Web site. They will have to send us very quickly a summary as a power-point on our website, which will explain the new functions of our site
So don’t forget to pay your contributions
Christophe Mathoulin
uploaded : Jane Messina